Saturday, March 26, 2016

In flower today (Stapeliads)

Couple of nice Stapeliads in flower lately.

The first was a Huernia pillansii (this one was a gift from the Croatian ladies - for those in Perth they are frequently at the Kalamunda markets, they are easy to spot as they have some of the best grown succulents at bargain prices)

Huernia pillansii
This one was a NOID - but after talking to a few others I am pretty certain this one is Stapelia obducta.  Only a couple of inches across (5cm) and VERY VERY hairy.  And may I just say - for a smaller flower this one packs a whollop in smell factor!  This one I am pretty sure came from Collectors Corner over in Victoria.
Stapelia obducata
The next was a find at a local collectors.  Not completely sure what it is, but I've seen it around Australia going by the same name more than once, so I assume its going to be one that someone recognises.... eventually
Huernia 'Renatta'
Now this one is gorgeous, Huernia saudi-arabica.  Definitely NOT the one sold by Collectors Corner (which I believe is actually Huernia saudi-arabica x huernia zebrina v magniflora)
Huernia saudi-arabica 
And, after all that we've had some lovely light rain here in Perth.  The temps are cooling, and the plants are looking happy. At least for this week !

Monday, March 21, 2016

In the garden today

It's always nice to do a walk around and see what catches your eye.  Now the cooler temps are hitting Perth plants are taking off again (think they are breathing a sigh of relief as well)

Tromotriche revoluta v tigrida
One of these next two has a smell reminiscent of crushed stink beetles... wasn't going to get close enough to find out WHICH of the two it is....
Huernia schneideriana

Piranthus punctatus
 And finally with the cooler temps my Kara's Stripes seems to be going the colour I was expecting in summer (the centre of the leaves should go buttery yellow).  This one is going to be a show stopper when its older!
Agave attenuata 'Kara's Stripes' 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Repotting some babies

Echeveria rosularis was getting a bit pot bound so decided it was time to do some repotting
Echeveria rosularis
 The leaves from the flower stem have been gorgeously prolific in setting out new babies
 Each little one looks like a little rose - gorgeous!

 x Graptoveria 'Silver Star' was also a bit pot bound (it's coming up to 3 years since I got this beauty) No babies at all so far, and she's just over 12cm wide.

Here's a not so beautiful one - this is Graptopetalum bellum

She WAS beautiful before she got mealy bug, and then she got burnt, and somehow she has just never stopped producing babies.... 

 There is a hint of how beautiful she should be from the view above.  But I think she will let take some nursing to get her back to where she should be.
 So here she is, with a pile of babies around her.  Popped her somewhere cool, and now I just have to keep her somewhere cool and um hope!

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Just for something a little different.  Today I received these beautiful babies :)  These are thick leaved sanseveria
Sansevieria patens

Sansevieria fisherii

Sansevieria dawei
I actually do have a couple of  plants already - not a HUGE fan, but I do like different/weird things, and the thick leaved forms definitely tick that box for me.    I'll do a post another time on some of the other ones I already have here at my place.

 Oh and just cause I couldn't resist them.... some miniature Agaves :D

Agave verschaffeltii
They look prettier potted up.  These little cuties I am loving!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stapelia Flowers

Been a really slow start to the flowering season for me this year - mainly I think because I repotted most of my plants about 6 months ago.  BUT they are now starting to come into their own, and many are starting to flower.

Most aren't even that stinky ;(
Orbea decaisneana

Huernia saudi-arabica

Huernia loeseneriana

Huernia pillansii 

Orbea variegata

Orbea macloughlinii 

Stapelia flavo-purpurea

Orbea pulchella

Agaves and Aloes... new plants :)

I finally had my order from Collectors Corner in Victoria arrive :)  some nice Aloe's and Agaves in this lot.  I've potted them all up in a nice pumice/succulent mix, hope they appreciate it!

Usual problem with Western Australia - finding people willing to post here.  Our quarantine rules are strict (and rightfully so).  So we end up paying a premium a lot of times for people that CAN post to WA.  It also means plants from Vic getting sprayed with all sorts of chemicals before getting here (so those need repotting pretty much straight away).  
Permits from the rest of Australia are fairly straight forward, and I use these a LOT to get plants I can't find in Western Australia.  But you end up paying around $110 extra on top of the plants and postage for the right to bring in 20 bare rooted plants (so about $5 per plant). 
Agave titanota
Agave ferdinand regis

Agave filiferaAlo

Agave potatorum minima

Agave toumeyana

Aloe 'Lavender Star'

Aloe 'Sal'

Aloe 'Christmas Carol'